Because of such exciting development about the bipolar patients and their ability of controlling such manic attacks, the researchers are claiming that they have actually developed such new procedure which can cut the number of their patients’ manic episodes by fifty percent.

The bipolar disorder is actually characterized by intense mood swings from such periods of excitability to the periods of depression and then back again. The bipolar 1 disorder is actually affecting more than 2 million citizens in the United States each year. The mood swings can be very extreme in many people that this can prevent them from being able to live such normal life. A roller coaster of emotions doesn’t only affect them but this can also affect their family and friends too. Well, this is the reason why people who have this kind of problem should look for the right bipolar treatment centers.

The new procedure just involves adding therapy to those bipolar treatments which are normally received by the patients. In reality, this kind of therapy isn’t actually new since there are a lot of physicians who already believe that a really effective treatment for that bipolar disease is to make use of a medication along with the prescription medications. However, belief doesn’t really equal proof.

The working theory of this study is that when the bipolar patient or sufferer knows of an impending episode, then one actually has that chance to do something on this. Well, the theory actually proved to be correct. With the study, it has been found out that 42 patients took the therapy and just had only fifty percent of the manic or depressive episodes of those 42 patients which were treated with only medication.

Also, the study is able to effectively show that therapy that actually focuses and teaches the patient how to plan one’s life on regular daily activities and also such stable relationships, may help them to suffer less of the manic or depressive attacks and be able to recover much faster from those experiences that they have. To know more about a mental health retreat, click here.

However, the long-term therapy may actually not be cheap and there are a lot of insurance companies that will either not cover this or just a portion of it. Well, it is with high hopes that the studies like this can help to push such insurance companies into realizing that therapy is really valid and also a useful treatment for that bipolar disorder and also help in decreasing the long term costs.

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